
Wholly Healthy

Health is wealth! The body that your occupying is absolutely priceless…well almost. Your body is actually worth a lot more than you probably would’ve imagined. The Editors of wired magazine decided to explore what your bodies actual dollar value comes out to. In the study they discovered the value of various organs, DNA, bone marrow and various fluids, tissues and proteins. I am absolutely amazed at what they discovered! At the top of the list is bone marrow. The study found bone marrow is your most valued bodily possession. All by itself your bone marrow is highly valued at $23 million! Wow… Then there is your DNA which adds an additional $9 million in value! Wow…When you add in all the other various organs and fluids the final tally is right at a staggering $45,675,000! Wow…Wow…Wow! You should be feeling really good about yourself right about now!
Is it any wonder that healthcare costs are through the roof. Our bodies Dollar valuation, puts into perspective why perhaps we get charged the extravagant fees that modern medicine charges us. However despite the Huge value hiding inside our skin & bones, that doesn’t make high medical bills any easier to pay. The reality is most of this value inside of us is not going to be found listed for sale in the classified ads. There is a very good reason why body parts aren’t for sale. It is illegal to sell body parts and organs. Otherwise the wealthy would have an unfair advantage over those with less funding available. Which would be the majority of Americans. These body parts & organs are available because of National Organ Donor Programs. Regardless of financial status those in need can be placed on a waitlist. There are exceptions of course where friends or Family will donate one of their 2 Kidneys to a loved one for example. The majority of us are born with perfectly good body parts and organs. So perhaps we need to consider taking better care of the body that we happen to be blessed with! Your body…that’s worth a massive amount of money. By the way…modern medicine is only going to put a “bandaid” on issues concerning our bodies. Then a regimen of prescription medications are prescribed. I Personally knew an individual who was taking over 14 prescription medications at one time! This should really be seriously eye-opening!
So listen it’s not the doctors fault that they need to replace an organ or provide prescription medications. Their job is to fix what’s wrong with us, not provide solutions to keep us from needing to be fixed.
So how do we do get to the place of being wholly healthy exactly? The answer to that question comes down to threefold awareness. There is a prevalent school of thought in millions of people all over the world. That school of thought is that we are three part beings. Physical, emotional and spiritual. Please don’t stop reading…I believe this information will help you! Even if in part!
First and foremost the body is our physical being. Our body has the capability to heal itself of literally anything that comes against it. Exercising regularly, adopting a healthful diet, not smoking, not becoming overweight, and drinking only moderate amounts of alcohol have been found to add years to your life. Diet exercise and sleep are hugely important in finding our balance in the body. We should all be striving to have a diet that is nutritionally balanced. We should also exercise & participate in physical activities. Get moving to keep moving! You might be surprised to find that when you eat right and stay active you will actually have better quality sleep!
Take nutrition much more seriously than you possibly have been. Avoid high fructose corn syrup, sugar, artificial sweeteners and numerous other additives that are known to be harmful to our bodies. Just because you can purchase products off of grocery store shelves doesn’t mean they are good for you! You may want to consider consulting with a nutritionist to determine the diet that best suits your body. A Nutritionist can help you identify deficiencies in vitamins & minerals that could be corrected with supplements. Afford the highest quality that your budget will allow. At the very least you should be taking a high-quality multivitamin daily. Additional supplements could include vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D vitamin E, zinc, turmeric curcumin, iron, niacin and and many more possibilities that you may be deficient in. Diet is quite possibly the most important component to living a healthy life that is free of sickness and disease. Seek out and find what will nutritionally bring balance to your body.
Our bodies need upkeep and maintenance. Exercise will give us strength and endurance to tackle what ever the day throws at us. Start small…but start! Get your motor running…not just idling! The first thing you should start with is stretching and move up to light exercise. There are numerous simple movements you can easily do from home. Or seek out a local gym if that is more preferable to you. You may want to invest in an at home gym system or dumbbells, kettle bells, pull up bar, rowing machine or treadmill just to name a few options. Ideally around 30 minutes per day would be most beneficial. Exercise could include activities like softball, baseball, pickle ball, tennis, skiing, swimming, walking, hiking, biking….the list is long! Nowhere is it written that when you become an adult you stop playing!
Our Emotional journey is equally as important as caring for our bodies. It’s very important to eliminate sources of stress & worry that can directly affect our overall joyfulness & happiness. Meditation is an often overlooked opportunity that helps to calm the mind. In this world of information overload we are typically in an overwhelmed state of mind. Take time to breathe in deeply through the nose & exhale through the mouth. Do this several times. As you do this close your eyes, clear your mind of distractions…and be calm and at peace. Remind yourself often of these two sayings.
Don’t sweat the small stuff…it’s all small stuff!
Happiness happens…when you go with the flow!
We tend to go through life trying to handle every situation all on our own. When all around the world there are people that are casting their cares on a higher power. There is actually peace available that far surpasses our understanding. That peace is found in letting go and letting a higher power handle our concerns.
I do sincerely believe the spiritual aspect of our existence is our greatest & most needful realization.
The international standard Bible encyclopedia has this to say about the spiritual man or woman. “In whom the Holy Spirit dwells and rules there will be found a divine indwelling that ensures mental illumination. One that is spiritual discerns or interprets all things. A moral renewal takes place and you become a new man. There is a spiritual endowment that you can expect to operate in your life: you shall receive power!” This power is released by our spoken words. The statement that says you have what you say absolutely rings true. Make all of your requests known to God. Speak declarations of faith over your life! Speak to your maker and ask him to heal you and to bless you in every area of your life. Power is released when we speak words into the atmosphere. Those who choose to be men and women after the heart of God will find the windows of heaven are opened wide to them.
In summary to live a wholly healthy life we need to simply find a balance in these three areas.
Take very seriously the care and strengthening of your body!
Take very seriously your emotional well-being!
Take very seriously who you are spiritually speaking! A balanced lifestyle results in a strong immune system that is critical to a long happy healthy life. Just imagine if you were like a three spoked wheel. If one spoke is out of tune…you won’t roll very smoothly. Now imagine a wheel with only two spokes. It is destined to fail. The wheel will break…sooner than later without the support of its internal structure. Surprisingly this is where many people find themselves. Broken down and barely able to function properly! Looking to doctors for answers. Doctors can only attempt to fix what’s broken. Sometimes some find their brokenness is too far gone to be repaired. The days of their lives are then shortened and the quality of their life is diminished.

Choose to live a wholly healthy life that’s balanced in these three critical areas. Find Peace emotionally, take good care of your body & connect with your spiritual side. You will enjoy your life more completely & you will find yourself living a very blessed life!


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